May Cover Features SSC Underground - Akkerman

May Cover Features SSC Underground

May Cover Features SSC Underground

by Kelly VanNatten

Over the years, Trenchless Technology has had the privilege of sharing the rich history of companies in our industry. In this issue, our cover story highlights the journey of SSC Underground, a family-owned trenchless contractor that has risen from a humble beginning to emerge as a prominent industry contractor.

Through faith, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, SSC Underground — through the Veidmark family — has not only thrived but also set new standards in trenchless technology. It’s always fascinating to me to hear how people start up a business and this story delivers!

Trenchless Technology Directory

As far back as I can remember we’ve been publishing a printed Trenchless Technology Directory to give our readers a place to start when locating for a contractor, manufacturer or engineering firm. While the look has changed over the years — most notably through our digital version — the purpose is always the same: to help you find the products and services you need for trenchless projects, and to connect you with others in the industry.