Since 1973 our industry leading equipment has allowed contractors from all over the world to efficiently install water and sewer lines as well as various other infrastructure in a cost-effective manner. As we approach a half a century of experience, we continue to make a commitment to excellence, as that is what our customers deserve.
Our relationship with contractors has been the backbone of our business as contracting is near and dear to our hearts. Prior to the establishment of Akkerman, the equipment manufacturer, there was D.H. Akkerman Construction Company. To satisfy their need of accurately installing pipe under crossings, Akkerman Manufacturing was born.
Today Akkerman develops, manufactures, and supports trenchless underground solutions that accurately install a variety of different pipes in a wide range of ground conditions. With innovation being what the company was founded on, we continue to push forward with the ever-changing demands of the industry. Akkerman systems are available for purchase, lease to purchase, or rent from our rental fleet.

In 2023, Akkerman celebrated its 50th anniversary. Akkerman also hosted a series of events and activities throughout the year, including an anniversary event in September at the facility.

In addition to the 50th anniversary celebration, Akkerman unveiled the newly constructed “D.H. Akkerman Training and Development Grounds,” allowing customers to receive equipment training in a controlled environment.

In 2020, Justin Akkerman was named President of Akkerman Inc.
Just like his father, Justin grew up around the trenchless industry spending his summers at the factory or working with contractors developing his knowledge of the industry, quite literally from the ground up. After receiving his BSCE from University of Minnesota, Justin practiced trenchless construction design and earned his Professional Engineering license before returning to Akkerman Inc.
“I’m honored to continue the legacy of Akkerman Inc. Our equipment is a testament to the dedication of our employees, and the success of our customers is how we measure our own.”

In 2019, Maynard Akkerman was celebrated by being inducted to the Trenchless Technology Hall of Fame. Not only has Maynard dedicated himself to the trenchless industry, but he is also a great leader, advocate for the local community and tremendous family man.

A true milestone of our commitment to excellence was reached when Akkerman was certified into the elite community of the International Organization for Standardization Certification (ISO)

In 2017, Akkerman developed the Rock Boring (RBU) product line. Born out of the culture to support our trenchless contractors, these units were designed using knowledge learned from both the hard and soft ground industry. A commitment was made early in production to inventory common RBU diameters to ensure contractors had access to the tools they needed to be successful.

In 2015, Akkerman revolutionized the microtunneling industry with the development of a new azimuth based pipejacking guidance system nicknamed the “AZ-100” that allowed accurate pipejacking guidance on long drives and complex alignments without requiring continual manual surveyance. By providing a guidance system that is self-surveying, Akkerman can be a solutions provider versus a support retailer.

In addition to the AZ100 guidance systems, Akkerman developed a full line of high-powered periphery drive microtunneling systems to support tooling changes on complex alignments.
A new decade, a new era is born for Akkerman. In the 2000’s, product lines continue to advance, and manufacturing capacity expanded to meet customer demands. Akkerman continued to focus on the North American market while attracting new customers from all around the globe.

In early 2000, the first Akkerman Guided Boring System (GBM) was born. First tested at the home of Akkerman’s attorney and current Board of Directors member, the system was used to install 4-in HDPE to his home. This installation was a success and Akkerman pilot tube systems started to change the trenchless industry from that moment on.

In the mid 2000’s, Akkerman developed Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) machines. As a part of the team working with Midwest Mole, we were proud to honored with the 2007 New Installation Trenchless Project of the Year Award.

In the Spring of 2008, Maynard Akkerman received the Trenchless Technology Person of the Year Award. While receiving this award, he reflected on his father by stating, “I saw the business work through my father and I never looked at anything else. I always knew this industry was for me. I truly believe that trenchless work is safer, less disruptive and therefore more beneficial for mankind.”

In 2010 Akkerman achieved a great honor to be award the MNSHARP certification for safety. This certification recognizes companies whose managers and employees work together to develop safety and health programs that go beyond basic compliance with all applicable OSHA standards. Akkerman is an elite member of only 38 companies in the State of Minnesota to achieve this certification
The nineties were an exciting era at Akkerman Inc. With Maynard at the helm, new innovative products were being developed to provide solutions for contractors.

Released in 1995, Akkerman developed a full line of slurry microtunneling equipment designed for the North American trenchless market. Three short years after it was released, Akkerman was proud to be part of the team awarded the 1998 New Installation Project of the Year with their microtunneling product line.

Like his father, Justin Akkerman grew up gleaning whatever information was available even at an early age.

In 1998, Akkerman developed the first Sliplining system that allowed the rehabilitation of existing sewer infrastructure without the need of costly bypass pumping. The system was much safer than existing methods and proved to be extremely efficient.
Other Milestones
- Akkerman celebrates 25 years.
- Akkerman manufactures 100th TBM.

In 1987, Maynard Akkerman becomes the President & CEO of Akkerman Inc. Looking to enjoy the reward for years of hard work, Don and Marlys sell Akkerman Inc. to Maynard and his wife Robin Akkerman to extend the business into the next generation. D.H. Akkerman continued on as a visionary and leader when he was not enjoying catching walleyes at his Northern Minnesota cabin.

The iconic 5000 pump unit was born in 1984. These units allow contractors to extend drive distances and increase diameters of their pipe jacking products.
While technology has allowed many upgrades for today’s standards, the versatility of the system remains. Because of their performance, reliability, and versatility many of these units are still working today.

In 1976, D.H. Akkerman was awarded his first patent for his innovative approach to tunnel boring.

The first production system was manufactured shortly after Akkerman Inc. was established. The transition from contracting to manufacturing proved to be invaluable as it created a culture of superior customer support that is as important today as it was then.

Akkerman Inc. was Established in 1973

In 1973 Maynard Akkerman joined his father at D.H. Akkerman Construction Company full time as demand for both trenchless construction and pipejacking equipment was growing. Don then divided his time between the construction company and worked to establish a manufacturing facility to meet the demands of the trenchless industry

Maynard Akkerman was no stranger to hard work at a young age. From the beginning, his father taught him that hard work and perseverance were important characteristics to become successful.
Early 1960’s. First Akkerman shop.

In 1963, D.H. Akkerman used his knowledge and ingenuity to develop the first Akkerman pipe jacking system. This system was developed out of necessity to complete construction projects safely and efficiently. The success of this equipment was paramount for D.H. Akkerman Construction Company and vital to the creation of Akkerman Inc in the future.
1963: First TBM.

Don (D.H.) and Marlys Akkerman established D.H. Akkerman Construction in 1956. Shown here is Don Akkerman and his first four employees at their shop which still stands across the parking lot from today’s state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.
D.H. Akkerman Construction focused on civil construction projects and began to realize the demand for reliable trenchless equipment.