Slurry Microtunneling
Slurry microtunneling is an accurate trenchless pipe jacking method that provides continuous face support, transports material via a closed-loop slurry circuit, and is remotely operated from the surface. Innovations in slurry microtunneling technology have allowed for use in a wider range of ground conditions, longer drive lengths, and curved or complex alignments.
- Environmentally Friendly: Slurry microtunneling is well suited to operate in environmentally sensitive areas. The excavation chamber is counterbalanced by monitoring both hydrostatic and mechanical face pressure.
- Safety: Microtunneling is not only a trenchless method that minimizes surface disruption, but also a method that does not require personnel entry into the tunnel during normal operations.
- Powerful: Microtunneling is designed to deal with a wide variety of ground conditions. To deal with conditions such as glacial till in North America, that means efficient delivery of horsepower directly to the cutterhead.
General Information:
- Diameter Range: 30-in to 114-in OD
- Drive Lengths: Dependent on diameter and ground conditions. Typical projects range from 400 to 800-lf. Complex projects and diameters larger than 72-in can range from 800 to 3,000-lf.
- Pit Requirement: Dependent on diameter and product pipe. Typical shaft size ranges from 16-ft to 24-ft.
- Guidance System: Straight or Curved Alignments
As North America’s only slurry microtunneling equipment manufacturer, we have engineered our equipment to combat the harsh environments found in the part of the world with maximum versatility and industry-leading power levels.