Design Engineer: J&J Boring, Inc.
Location: Midland, TX
Ground Conditions: varying UCS caliche and limestone rock
Type of Installation: Tunnel Boring System
Material: 48-in. OD Steel Casing
Footage Installation: 550-lf. / 250-lf. (DCH used for 250)
Equipment: Akkerman Tunnel Boring System with 5200 Pump Unit, 524 Haul Unit, TBM 48SCII, 50-in OD Disc Cutter Head,
The mainline railroad crossing proved eventful for J&J Boring. Hard rock, which was 40% harder than anticipated in the Geotechnical Baseline Report, was encountered under the most sensitive zone of the crossing. This caused J&J Boring to outfit their Akkerman WM48SC-II TBM with a Rock DCH to successfully complete the alignment.
December’s employee of the month is machinist Jason Schlichter, who began his employment at Akkerman on June 1, 1995. Jason was nominated by his peers for being a leader, knowledgeable, prompt, and hands-on.
Jason is an awesome employee and great worker.”
“He is very helpful with training new employees.”
“Jason has shown multiple recent examples of helping newer machinists on jobs.”
“Jason is always willing to share his vast knowledge of Akkerman parts, and is a leader in the machine shop.”
Derek Akkerman joined the business full-time on December 8, 2008, becoming the first of the third generation to do so.
Derek worked as a “custodial engineer” and delivered parts during his high school years. After college, he gained experience in retail by working with OfficeMax, Walmart, and Aldi.
Derek started his career at Akkerman as a tradeshow and
events coordinator in the Sales and Marketing department. In this role, he managed the sales team’s busy tradeshow season by handling logistics, displays, and other sales collateral.
Currently, Derek serves as the corporate office manager, where he is responsible for answering phones, office maintenance, and special events and projects assigned by Justin.
Derek finds it rewarding “to speak with potential new customers over the phone and direct them to the sales team.” He is also pleased to be a part of a company where everyone takes pride in their work.
Derek is proud of what his father and brother have done for the company, and he is amazed at how far the company has come.
In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, watching movies, reading, playing games, and taking walks.
From humble beginnings in a two-car garage, to a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, Akkerman Inc. celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2023.
A reminder as we go into the holiday season, Akkerman will be closed the following days: