I have been working in the underground construction for the past 40 years. In the last 25 years I’ve been involved with all kinds of tunneling operations. Hand mine tunnels using jacking equipment, wood box tunnels dug by hand. But my favorite type of tunneling is MTBM’s. I have been working with and around Akkerman tunnel machines from 120” wheeled machines all the way down to the 48” SC tunnel machine. We’ve done successful runs in ranges from 200’ to 800’ with no problems. In all my years of tunneling we have never had a failure of equipment to cause us any down time. When we have had issues with mechanical parts or service needed Akkerman can usually get you the parts pretty quickly and technicians can get on a plane and help you out also. The team at Akkerman is always ready to answer any questions or problems you may have. They can help you decide on what equipment might work best for your particular job needs. I’ve also been involved with the GBM equipment we have run 32” PCH installing 30” Hobas pipe and also 44” PCH installing 42” Hobas pipe. We have had great success with GBM runs up to 500’ in length. Our last purchase was a new 5200 series jacking frame and 60” series 2 MTBM. We chose Akkerman for this equipment for our past experience and the fact they are made in the USA and can service us quickly. It truly has been great working with Akkerman.